Introducing the touch free photo booth!
We're so excited to be able to share this really cool option with you all. It means that you and your guests can still capture those awesome moments in the photo booth without having to physically interact with it. No need to touch the screen at all. It's just one more way to keep you, your guests and our staff safe.
In order to achieve this truly touch free option, it's important to note that there is unfortunately no possibility in having lots of variety to choose from, as this would mean guests having to touch the screen. So we have kept it really simple. Choose between either a photo or a GIF capture and colour or black & white photos.
So how do we get our photos we hear you cry? Well that's the coolest bit. We can of course print them out for you, as you would normally expect, but with our touch free mode enabled, a QR code pops up on the screen for you to scan with the camera app on your phone, and voila! You get a handy little link through to the gallery of photos where you can download as many times as you would like.

The touch free photo booth option is perfect for family reunions, small weddings and events that want to ensure their guests are kept safe, whilst keeping them entertained. If you want to find out more about this option for your upcoming event or celebration please do get in touch with us.